High rise cleaning services
Window & façade cleaning
Pressure washing
Gutter cleaning
Painting & coating
Bird proofing
Building & structural repairs
High access maintenance
Builders cleans
Extension poles
Water fed poles
Elevated Work Platforms (EWP)
Rope access
Safe | Professional | Cost-effective | Reliable
The Window Cleaners are equipped to carry out difficult access window cleaning and repair and maintenance jobs with little or no disruption to other work parties, the public, and the environment.
Maintenance packages are available for any type of asset and facility. Following a detailed consultation The Window Cleaners will develop a customised cleaning, repair or maintenance program meeting all relevant Standards and Regulations. Access requirements are assessed and a project-specific HSE Plan is drafted.
All rope access personnel are fully IRATA trained and certified; EWP operators are fully trained and certifified with the appropriate High Risk Work Licence; and The Window Cleaners are fully insured for all work at height- including rope access!
High access methods
High access services